Main/ News/ New time per move feature in the idChess mobile app

New time per move feature in the idChess mobile app

Now idChess recognizes and calculates time per move. With the updated idChess app (from version 4.3.0), you can track time per move, even if the organizer does not have an electronic clock or some tournament games are played without a clock.

New time per move feature in the idChess mobile app

Time per move is a very interesting feature. It is the time during which a move is made on the board, that is when the hand is taken off a piece. It approximately coincides with the indicators on the digital game clock.

How to display time per move in the tournament broadcast with idChess?

1. When creating a tournament, in the "Time per side" field, enter the number of minutes for the game. For example, 120.

2. In the "Adding time per move" field, enter the seconds that are added for each move. For example, 30.

3. If the game has a complex time control, which changes after a certain move, then in "Number of moves", enter the move’s number and fill in additional conditions for adding time.

The starting point of the round is considered to be the first move on one of the connected boards. The organizer also can set the start manually (Button "Set up round time" on the tournament bracket screen).