Main/ News/ New height of idChess: tournament broadcast on Mount Everest

New height of idChess: tournament broadcast on Mount Everest

On May 8, for the first time in the history of world chess, the international chess tournament "Ever-Chess-2024" was held at the base camp of Mount Everest in Nepal. The tournament took place at an altitude of 5364 meters. All games were broadcast by idChess.

New height of idChess: tournament broadcast on Mount Everest

9 rounds were played according to the Swiss system with 10+3 time control. 18 chess players participated in the tournament, including 4 foreign athletes. The players had to walk more than 50 kilometers and climb to a height of more than 2.5 kilometers. All matches were digitized and broadcast by idChess.

“This tournament will set the Guinness World Record and the Russian and Nepalese World Records, not only because it was the first tournament of such height, but also because it was possible to create an opportunity for spectators to watch it in real time. All 9 boards were broadcast online”.

Sergey Moiseev
Chief arbiter of the tournament

“The tournament demonstrated the ability of chess players to make difficult decisions in unusual conditions. The competition at an altitude of more than 5,000 meters is also a technological challenge. It was the most extreme idChess broadcast. Fans could watch the games in real time at All matches of this intense mind game and endurance test are available for watching in the recording on the platform”.

Petr Chernyshev
Founder of idChess

The recording of the tournament is available at

Photo: VPHS