The International Chess Federation (FIDE) and idChess have signed a partnership agreement. This agreement establishes the intention of FIDE and idChess to cooperate long-term in making chess digitization more accessible worldwide.
Previously, the idChess platform was approved by the FIDE Technical Commission. Organizers and arbiters around the world are already using all features of the idChess platform. The idChess partnership with FIDE makes innovative solutions available for more organizers, regardless of tournament level and number of participants.
"We aim to make chess even more accessible and interactive for everyone, regardless of geographical location or financial capacity, so we consider the introduction of new technological tools such as idChess an effective way to develop chess," said Arkady Dvorkovich, FIDE President.
The idChess technology also supports a video assistant referee (VAR) system. In July 2023, idChess VAR was used for the first time at the Asian Youth Chess Championship in Kyrgyzstan. This technology helps increase the number of correct decisions made by chess arbiters while making the decision-making process simpler and more transparent for both arbiters and players.
Source: FIDE