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What chess rules existed before

In this article, interesting outdated chess rules will be considered.

What chess rules existed before

The chess rules have changed many times. Often the amendments were minor, but sometimes they turned the entire chess strategy of their time upside down. The most unexpected chess rules that have long-lost their relevance:

• In the early chess rules, castling was impossible if the king had ever been checked.

• If the king reached the last rank, then a new pawn of the same color was placed on the original square of the corresponding rank. Thus, there was simply no draw with "not enough of material for checkmating", since the players could add a couple of fighters to the game at any moment of the game.

• Players were required to say aloud "Check", "Checkmate", "Stalemate", "Garde" (when attacking the queen).

• If the piece touched by the player couldn’t move according to the rules or if the touched piece of the opponent couldn’t be taken, then the player who touched the piece was obliged to make a "penalty move" with the king.

The chess rules have endured many changes to make the game simpler and more objective.