In this manual we will tell you how to import pairings into idChess.
1. Open your tournament page on Select the current round in the “Board pairings” section and click on the “Export to Excel” button. The file with the pairings will be downloaded.
2. Next, in a created round on the platform, in the menu, select “Import round data” -> “Import pairing”.
3. In the way of importing data, select “EXCEL file” and attach the downloaded file.
4. Import the data. The names and surnames of the players will be distributed among the boards according to the pairings from the received file.
1. Create a round on the platform.
2. In the menu, select “Import round data” -> “Import pairing”.
3. In the way of importing data, select “EXCEL file” and attach the file with pairings.
4. To transfer pairings data from the file to the system, select the data from the left side of the screen one by one:
• In the first column, choose the numbers of the boards that will be broadcast.
• Then switch the selection to “White” and choose the players that will have white figures on the chosen boards.
• In the same way, fill in the “Black” column of the table.
5. The converted pairings are ready, then you need to finish the data importing process.
To see how the process and the result of importing pairings into idChess look like, watch this video on the idChess YouTube channel.