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Basic principles of endgame

In this article, we will take into account the basic principles of endgame play.

Basic principles of endgame

The endgame is the final stage of the game when there are few pieces left on the chessboard. At this stage of the game, the accuracy of each move and the coordination of each piece are important. What principles of the game should be followed in the endgame?

One of the important principles is the principle of piece activity. The side with the most active pieces has the advantage. For example, with your rook, you can cut off the opponent's king horizontally or vertically from the center. It is also possible to "pin" a strong opponent's piece to defend a weak one: in this case, their piece will be positioned passively and play only the role of a defender.

The next principle is centralization. In the final stage of the game, even the king needs to be led to the center. When there are few pieces left, the king is no longer in big danger, and it can play its role in the center. Being in the center, it can start bypassing the opponent's pawn structure from any flank and get to the weakest pawn.

Finally, the king's safety principle. Before you can bring the king closer to the center or start attacking, you need to provide your king with shelter. This is especially important in a pawn endgame: the possibility of queening a pawn may depend on the king's safety from checks. If the king can be approached, then the opponent, defending themself, may not stop making checks, which will prevent your pawn from queening.

In conclusion, you need to pay special attention to the activity and centralization of your pieces. This will allow you to have territorial initiative and make the desired maneuvers. It is also necessary to use all your pieces, including the king. However, the king should be in a safe place.